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Holding Orange Flowers


Schedule a FREE consultation with one of our providers to learn more about each treatment and to develop a customized treatment plan for you. 


Vitamin B12 injections can help your body use stored fat and carbohydrates for energy. In addition to healthy lifestyle changes, this injection can help your body burn stubborn fat more efficiently. It also helps normalize blood cell processes and increase nerve function throughout the body. We recommend it as a once weekly injection. Most people will feel more energetic 2-3 days after the injection with optimal results typically seen with continued weekly use for 1 month and then once monthly. 


4 injection pack $60


Vitamin B12 Lipotropic injections include a series of amino acids as well as B12 - the combination can further help facilitate weight loss by mobilizing fatty stores, in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Plus all the benefits of regular B12 above! These are recommended as 1x weekly for the first 4 weeks and then once monthly. Individual results may vary.


4 injection pack - $100

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