We inject PRP into the scalp in areas with hair loss or thinning to help stimulate new hair growth, and to restore and thicken your hair. This does not work on balding or dead follicles but works very well for thinning hair and dormant hair follicles. Best results are with 3-6 treatments done every 4 weeks. We typically recommend 3 monthly sessions, a one month break, and then another 3 sessions for the best results.
3 treatments - $1000
6 treatments - $1800
This is our most advanced hair restoration treatment involving PLANT-BASED stem cell technology. We use exosomes which are microneedled to the scalp (No Injections! No Blood Draws! and minimal Pain). Exosomes have a higher capacity to activate the hair follicle. PRP has 12 growth factors and exosomes have 100s. The success of this treatment does not depend on the client's health and quality of PRP, therefor we recommend the use of exosomes (as opposed to PRP) to anyone, but especially those over the age of 40 for the best outcome. This does not work on balding or dead follicles but works very well for thinning hair and dormant hair follicles. Best results are with 4 treatments; the first 3 treatments are done monthly and the 4th and final treatment is done at month 6 (3 months after the last). Clients also receive a month supply of an exosome hair and scalp health support gel to maintain and boost results, with each treatment.
$2200/package of 4